
Dear Colleagues,
I hereby request the honor of your presence at and feel great pleasure to cordially invite you to the 6th International Congress on Leukemia Lymphoma Myeloma (ICLLM) scheduled to be held in Antalya on May 11-13, 2017.

This is an organization of Turkish Society of Hematology (TSH)  which is one of the oldest and most dynamic medical societies in Turkey. World renowned 12 hematologists have already accepted our invitation to serve at the scientific organization committee. And some of the most recognized names and top specialists in hematology research have so far been invited to Antalya. All with the aim of making this congress an unforgettable meeting for the participants. ICLLM is being held biannually since 2007. The number of Congress participants is showing a substantial increase. In 2015, we hosted over 500 attendees. In general, majority of the participating specialists are from university hospitals, and researchers not only from all countries of Europe, but also from North Africa, Middle East countries, United States, Middle and South America attend the Congress.

The Scientific Program of the coming Congress covers topics from all different fields of Clinical and Laboratory Hematology on Lymphoma Leukemia Myeloma. Included among the features of the program are state-of-the-art lectures, evidence-based hematology sessions, and satellite symposia covering the latest developments on hematology. The education program thereof is a well-balanced teaching program focusing on the needs of clinical hematologists. The cultural program also promises to be exclusive, highlighting Antalya’s proud culture and national heritage. You will have the opportunity to discover Turkish music, art and architecture, enjoy the delicious tastes of Turkish and Ottoman cuisines, and experience the world famous Turkish hospitality. 

By taking this opportunity, on behalf of the Board of the Turkish Society of Hematology and of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to the 6th International Congress on Lymphoma Leukemia Myeloma. I sincerely believe that you will enjoy both the scientific and cultural aspects of the program, and you will also live the pleasure of nice Antalya spring.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Muzaffer Demir

Congress and Turkish Society of Hematology President